- Goldulous

Chapter 1 :: The Rapture of Now
"You might be wondering why you are here,"
said the man in black toward the group sitting in front of him.
"You are here so that you may see the great infallibility.
You are here so that you may know the rapture of now."
The group of seven sat in front of the man in black,
in the main hall, watching him closely in his black robe,
listening to his words as he spoke.
"Each one of you has been given a color.
I will refer to you by the name of the color you wear."
The man in black caught eyes with the man wearing red and said,
"Red, have you always been brilliant?"
The man wearing all red stood and said,
"No, I have not always felt myself to be brilliant.
I have seen the darkness and have wished to be devoured by it."
"Thank you," said the man in black.
"Yes. We must remember that the entire night sky
is as brilliant as the glowing sun.
You are here for vibrant hypnosis.
Young woman in violet," he said turning to her,
"would you tell us what you believe to be true in this world?"
The woman in violet stood from her place on the floor.
"I've seen the men and women dancing naked till very late,
their tongues clawing the silent seas.
I have taken my teeth on to the evening's breeze,
and there, in the deep, I have found the world to be a great mystery."
"Thank you Violet," said Black. "This house is your home and we are to each other family, because only then will we have all we desire. I offer you the colors of creation."
The man wearing all green said, "Thank you Black, I have seen the making of men and women and the making of dreams."
The woman in orange said, "I have seen the noble beast who rides the dew to the sun at dawn chasing the mother of nightfall, whose laughter echoes hereafter, past mirth into delirium, dividing the sky."
"I know the great demon, the dreamer of death. Yes, it pleases me to hear," said Black. "Now, my home is your home, beneath the featureless sky. I want you to remember everything with ease, to recall the mornings of heaviest gloom with the lusty stillness of nature. We must be the historians of the ages to come. We must be able to swallow the white light and resolve to perish with her, the subtlest beast of all. She who with her pleasurable hinges swings Heaven's lathe over the ubiquitous forest. We must delight to light the lamp of night. Young woman in yellow," he said looking at her, "you may have been a whore before, an excellent whore no less, galloping beyond the threshold of decency, threading out the night, swimming in the milky gentleness."
"Like rain on a wound," Yellow said, "stretched long against the sky, I've drowned in the sea, and been crushed under the hoof of a monstrous horse, a pitch black mare, the evening's beast and there down in the fields I could see the demon coming, the great sculptor, where all the trees bend toward the sky."
"As you spoke I imagined you curved against a doorway, your insides spread to the sun like ruby tulips, eating a ripe young fruit and drinking the breath of dawn. A slippery whore with unequaled verve, moving in diamonds and ostrich plumes, before a man, in black silk, playing a tune perfectly octagonal. I hear him slippery, with so rude a mouth removing your clothes and turning you over slowly in the light. I see your silver frosted hair. I see you asleep in the vegetable garden, letting your legs alight upon the wet night, above the green meadow, the weather moving pleasantly in streams of sun beams. I see a sleeper upon the boat," said the man in black to the woman in yellow.
"There seemed a fortune for the woman with open eyes," said Yellow. "I've taken in my mouth the grooms and stable boys and have tried to husband the sun. Drunk upon the dead sea wood we talked oceans, our lips parted on the sofa."
"What did you see?" asked the man in black.
"Without any very great expectations I let my tongue over the mantle piece and again kissed him. I thought, what is bliss if not this, a doomed mind asleep on an empty beach," said the woman in yellow.
"And did you feel the bliss amidst the crowd of wings? Were your lips {wet and drowning} like mountains of doomed ships?" asked the man in black.
A man wearing an indigo robe arose from his seat and said, "Whether standing in doorways or gorged upon the grass, in many afternoons I've wandered around and found the canals deep where strange ships sleep."
"You are the young men and women of light. You've done with lips what lovers lips like, in the street, in the sun, in front of everyone," said the man in black. "But you may have lost sight in wild delight. The gathering gloom has curled about the room. To elevate this darkness, I bring you a gift. I've traveled upstairs and received a red forehead from the woman in white, puffing her sails in the cape of storms, atop the dark broad sea, underneath the twin suns. In her cottage in the jungle, I've seen her great fan of iridescent eyes, that draw you in with their cries."
"Thank you Violet," said Black. "This house is your home and we are to each other family, because only then will we have all we desire. I offer you the colors of creation."
The man wearing all green said, "Thank you Black, I have seen the making of men and women and the making of dreams."
The woman in orange said, "I have seen the noble beast who rides the dew to the sun at dawn chasing the mother of nightfall, whose laughter echoes hereafter, past mirth into delirium, dividing the sky."
"I know the great demon, the dreamer of death. Yes, it pleases me to hear," said Black. "Now, my home is your home, beneath the featureless sky. I want you to remember everything with ease, to recall the mornings of heaviest gloom with the lusty stillness of nature. We must be the historians of the ages to come. We must be able to swallow the white light and resolve to perish with her, the subtlest beast of all. She who with her pleasurable hinges swings Heaven's lathe over the ubiquitous forest. We must delight to light the lamp of night. Young woman in yellow," he said looking at her, "you may have been a whore before, an excellent whore no less, galloping beyond the threshold of decency, threading out the night, swimming in the milky gentleness."
"Like rain on a wound," Yellow said, "stretched long against the sky, I've drowned in the sea, and been crushed under the hoof of a monstrous horse, a pitch black mare, the evening's beast and there down in the fields I could see the demon coming, the great sculptor, where all the trees bend toward the sky."
"As you spoke I imagined you curved against a doorway, your insides spread to the sun like ruby tulips, eating a ripe young fruit and drinking the breath of dawn. A slippery whore with unequaled verve, moving in diamonds and ostrich plumes, before a man, in black silk, playing a tune perfectly octagonal. I hear him slippery, with so rude a mouth removing your clothes and turning you over slowly in the light. I see your silver frosted hair. I see you asleep in the vegetable garden, letting your legs alight upon the wet night, above the green meadow, the weather moving pleasantly in streams of sun beams. I see a sleeper upon the boat," said the man in black to the woman in yellow.
"There seemed a fortune for the woman with open eyes," said Yellow. "I've taken in my mouth the grooms and stable boys and have tried to husband the sun. Drunk upon the dead sea wood we talked oceans, our lips parted on the sofa."
"What did you see?" asked the man in black.
"Without any very great expectations I let my tongue over the mantle piece and again kissed him. I thought, what is bliss if not this, a doomed mind asleep on an empty beach," said the woman in yellow.
"And did you feel the bliss amidst the crowd of wings? Were your lips {wet and drowning} like mountains of doomed ships?" asked the man in black.
A man wearing an indigo robe arose from his seat and said, "Whether standing in doorways or gorged upon the grass, in many afternoons I've wandered around and found the canals deep where strange ships sleep."
"You are the young men and women of light. You've done with lips what lovers lips like, in the street, in the sun, in front of everyone," said the man in black. "But you may have lost sight in wild delight. The gathering gloom has curled about the room. To elevate this darkness, I bring you a gift. I've traveled upstairs and received a red forehead from the woman in white, puffing her sails in the cape of storms, atop the dark broad sea, underneath the twin suns. In her cottage in the jungle, I've seen her great fan of iridescent eyes, that draw you in with their cries."